Export Settings for Facebook
You just finished an epic video, one that would change your career for the better but as soon as you post it on facebook it becomes pixelated!! We’re uncovering the benefits and the proper export settings for your high resolution videos on Facebook.
Let’s start with our first term, CODEC.
Codec - determines compression of your video
Different types of Codecs will compress your video more or less depending on WHERE you want your video to be displayed. As we know, not all social platforms are one size fits all. Which leads us to topic number two.
Target Platform - your ideal publishing platform
Each social media platform has a preferred codec. The export settings for your final video should match the platform you wish to publish it on. With Facebook, the codec is H.264.
In this blog we will discuss two ways of doing this via Final Cut Pro X, or the editing software you prefer. Let’s learn to export our videos to facebook using the proper codec so you'r videos can be shared and enjoyed without pixelation. The first method is specific to Final Cut Pro X users as it is built into the program, the second is universal to any editing software.
Starting with final cut pro x, when you go to the top corner after your project is finished, you will click on the download button. You know, the box with an arrow sticking out of it. It will then prompt you with a few option on where your video will be published. Since we want our video to be published on facebook, we click facebook. After you’ve selected your publish location, Title your project then click on settings at the top. You’re going to be prompted with resolution, compression and viewable by. Click on resolutions, HD 1080 will provide high definition, HD 720 will give you high definition. The other two options available are very compressed.
Choose 1080 and then click compression, you’ll want to choose better quality. This will slows down the downloading process however, it will create just that.
Side Note
Looking at the lower right corner of this box, you will see your file size change and get larger as you choose a higher resolution, however the Better Quality vs Faster Encode changes the speed. After this you’ll hit the next button. Here you will be prompted to login in to your facebook. Once you log in, the computer will display you facebook and start uploading.
This is the first way to upload your video to facebook. It’s very easy and it’s build into Final Cut Pro X. If you don’t use Final Cut Pro X, how do you export your video to facebook correctly?
The universal way to do it: click on the export tab as usual, click master file.
This is going to give you the truest file of what your video will be exported as. It allows you more control over your final high resolution video. Give your video a Title and go to settings, choose Video and Audio. Keep in mind your computer should save the export settings to the last ones you used. There are many options, the top has the least amount of compression and the bottom have the most compression.
If you’re posting your video to Youtube, you’re going to want the LEAST amount of compression possible. We highly recommend using Apple Pro Res 422 and if you have time to kill, maybe you’ve got dinner plans or you’re planning on watching 1907, highly recommended, choose Apple Pro Res 422 HQ. This will provide the least amount of compression, your video will turn out great and you won’t have a lot of pixelation, however, this option is for YouTube and Vimeo, NOT FACEBOOK.
For Facebook, we will choose H.264, now we know what you’re thinking, you’re choosing the most amount of compression for your video. However, it’s perfectly fine. The video is compressed, yes. It’s already compressed and now facebook will not have to compress it FURTHER (Neither will Instagram). Click Next and choose a folder to save your video in and click Save and your video will instantly begin exporting.
You will be able to see the progress being made at the top left corner where your files visibly render (the little checked circle). Now our video is exporting and once it is complete, it will open in quicktime and your video is exported properly or facebook.
It’s pretty simple.. If you’re using any other platform than Final Cut Pro X, H.264 is the best codec to use to get the best quality for your facebook videos. Surprisingly, it is the only high resolution codec that will allow you to airdrop the video from your laptop or computer onto your phone in order to post to Facebook and Instagram from your phone since you can use this codec for Instagram and Facebook killing two birds with one stone. NICE!